Many shoppers seek out this type of bananas as the most famous and tasty ones in the world, however our work is not just about   giving you quality and taste it is also about certified produce, which is farmed using sustainable techniques, thus protecting the   environment for future generations and supporting local livelihoods.

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Baby bananas have bright yellow skin and dense creamy flesh with a slightly sweeter taste. The compact portion size has novelty value and fits neatly into school lunch boxes.

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The red banana is a variety of banana and is comparable to an ordinary banana but just a bit smaller.

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These ‘cooking’ bananas are grown in Ecuador where the best plantains come from. Plantains are a  traditional green variety. A popular ingredient in South American cuisine, the fruit is increasingly in demand for savory dishes in other parts of the world.

VARIETY: Ananas comosus 
Pineapple is a plant of tropical origin, from South America between Brazil and Uruguay. Very desirable in several countries of the world for its intense flavor, juiciness and freshness. Not to mention that it is a source of vitamin C with high antioxidant power, it produces bromelain (mixture of several protease enzymes), which is digestive, immunostimulant, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

Pitaya is a treasure from the nutritional point of view, it contains antioxidants, mucilages, ascorbic acid, phenols. It is rich in Vitamin C, it also contains vitamins of group B, minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, and is high in water and has vegetable protein and soluble fiber. The seeds, which are edible, contain beneficial fatty acids. And one of its most outstanding properties is its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action, which is why OMS recommends its consumption.

Is originally from Florida, supposedly from Haden. It is a fruit 13 cm long and 450 to 700 grams in weight, with an ovoid shape to almost round, color with a purple to reddish base, quite resistant to mechanical damage due to the thick shell, lacks fiber, has a good taste and of juicy. pulp.

It is one of the oldest in Florida, which originated from the “Mulgoba” variety. It is a large fruit of 14 cm. long and 400 to 600 grams in weight, ovoid, rounded with a yellow background, on a reddish color with numerous white lenticels. The pulp is juicy, almost fiberless with a slightly acidic taste and good quality.

Originated from the "Brooks" variety, which in turn came from the "Sandersha" variety. It is a large fruit that reaches 13 cm or more in length, with an average weight of 680 grams. It has an ovoid shape, rather full and rounded with yellowish green base color and dark red overcolor, numerous small and yellow lenticels, In addition, it has juicy pulp, without fiber, rich in sweet and quality from very good to excellent.